**Starter Document** 2023-Nov-18: keysentence =========================================================== ## Problem The /huge real world probmel that clearly needs to be solved/; /a specific knowledge-gap within the huge problem tha you lan to address in your project/ ## Objective With the /title - acronym/ project we aim to /what the project is going to develop, achieve, discover, establish, improve, analyze to solve some part of the identified research gap, to achive this aim, we have /number/ specific objectives. 1. /Develop, achieve, discove, establish, improve, analyze/ the objective of the first subproject. 2. 3. ## Methodology During the project /description of research activity/ to /state what will the activity achieve/, ## Resources The project will /use, apply, benefit from/ to /specific outcome/ ## Participants /Role/, /Person name/ from /affiliation/ is /core area fo expertise/ and has /proof of exepretices in terms of publications, projects, awards, etc./ ## Results and impact The project will /a general statement of what results, deliverables, outcomes the project will deliver to solve the problem you identified/, including: - A statement of delivering a specific result/outcome in response to objective No. 1 - No. 2 - No. 3 Delivering these results, outcomes will /enable, allow/ the, /specify the stakeholder/ to /explain what positive impacts these results/. ## Dissemination We will /relevant activity/ the project results within /the key target audience/ through /the channels that you plan to use/. ## Timeline The project will start in / date/, it will be executed in /number of months/, and /add the time when key reports, milestones, deliverables, other critical accomplisments will be submitted, reached/ ## Budget The total eligible projects costs are /the sum/ where /name the cost for each cost category as requested in the research call guide/. Name of partners 1 will use x% of the budget, Describe the co-financing by the partners, if any X% of the costs are covered through the fund if already known. 2023-Nov-18: On how to write a research grant key sentences =========================================================== The big problem is that ___ evidence ___ We should solve it because ___ evidence ___ we already know that ___ evidence ___ we need to find out ___ evidence ___ we already know that __ evidence ___ we need to find out ___ evidence ____ Our apprach is pertinent because ___ evidence ___ Filling the knowldege gap will help to ___